Why Use Managed Services for Your IT Needs: A Comprehensive Overview

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Business operations can come to a screeching halt due to unexpected IT failures, causing not just operational headaches but also significant financial losses.

Research has shown that the average cost of downtime across all industries has risen to about $9,000 per minute. This escalation is partly due to the increasing reliance on digital infrastructure and the varied impact of downtime on businesses of different sizes and industries.

The dread of server crashes, cybersecurity breaches, and the inevitable downtime are all too familiar scenarios that can derail even the most robust business plans.

Managed services offer a strategic solution to this common pain point, providing businesses with a proactive and comprehensive approach to IT management.

As Nahjee Maybin, CEO of Kenyatta Computer Services says, “Managed Services is to corporate success what a conductor is to an orchestra; indispensable for harmonizing technology and strategy.”

In this blog, we will explore how managed services can transform the way businesses handle their IT needs.


Why Managed IT Services Are Better Than the Break-Fix Model?

Managed IT services offer a proactive approach to handling a business’s IT infrastructure. Unlike the break-fix model, where service is only provided after a problem occurs, managed services work on preventing issues before they impact business operations.

This shift from reactive to proactive management reduces downtime, improves reliability, and offers predictable budgeting with fixed monthly costs.

Furthermore, managed service providers (MSPs) typically offer faster response times and access to the latest technology and expertise, which can be cost-prohibitive for businesses to maintain in-house.

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IT Managed Services Value Proposition

The value proposition of IT managed services lies in their ability to offer a comprehensive service offering that covers everything from network monitoring and support services to cloud services and business continuity planning.

This comprehensive approach ensures that all aspects of a company’s IT infrastructure are managed efficiently, leading to improved response times and enhanced business processes.

Additionally, MSPs often include service level agreements (SLAs) that guarantee certain levels of performance and uptime, ensuring that businesses receive consistent, reliable support.



Managed Services Importance for Small, Medium & Large Businesses

For businesses of all sizes, managed services play a crucial role in maintaining business continuity.

  • Small businesses benefit from gaining access to expertise and technology that they might not otherwise afford, leveling the playing field with larger competitors.
  • Medium-sized businesses can focus on scaling their operations without being hindered by IT constraints.
  • Large enterprises benefit from the scalability and flexibility of managed services, ensuring their IT infrastructure can adapt to the evolving business landscape.


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Why Managed Service Providers Are Your Best Bet in an Ever-Evolving Business Landscape

In a constantly changing business environment, agility and adaptability are key. Managed service providers are equipped to handle this challenge, offering scalable services that grow with your business.

MSPs stay on the cutting edge of technology trends, ensuring that your IT infrastructure remains robust against emerging threats and efficient in new opportunities for growth.


Why Managed IT Services: Benefits for Your Business

Benefit Description
Cost Efficiency Predictable monthly fees and reduced need for in-house IT staff lead to significant cost savings over time.
Proactive Support Continuous monitoring and preventive maintenance minimize the risk of downtime, enhancing operational reliability.
Access to Expertise Gain access to a broad range of IT expertise without the need for extensive in-house capabilities.
Enhanced Security Advanced security measures and regular updates protect against cyber threats and data breaches.
Scalability Services can be easily scaled to match business growth or changing needs, providing flexibility.
Compliance and Risk Management Ensures IT systems comply with legal and regulatory standards, reducing legal risks.
Improved Focus on Core Business Outsourcing IT management allows businesses to concentrate on core objectives without IT distractions.
Strategic IT Planning Access to expert advice on technology strategy that aligns with business goals for long-term planning.
Latest Technology Managed services provide access to the latest technology and tools without significant upfront investment.
Disaster Recovery and Backup Robust data backup and disaster recovery solutions ensure business continuity in the event of data loss.


Drive your IT forward With Kenyatta Computer Services

Why Use Managed Services


The overwhelming complexity and cost of managing IT in-house can significantly detract from a company’s ability to focus on its core business functions.

The break-fix model, with its inherent unpredictability and inefficiency, can restrict your company’s potential. Opting for managed IT services offers a proactive, strategic approach to IT, allowing businesses to sidestep these barriers.

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Kenyatta Computer Services emerges as a frontrunner in this space, boasting 33 years of experience and a century of combined expertise in providing top-tier Managed IT Services.

Reach out to us for a free consultation to explore how our offerings can align with and support your long-term business aspirations.