Understanding the Different Types of Managed Services

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It’s a pain that’s all too familiar: sudden technical glitches disrupting workflow, cybersecurity breaches putting sensitive data at risk, and the persistent anxiety of potential system downtimes.

In fact, according to a report by Cybersecurity Ventures, cybercrime damages are expected to grow by 15 percent per year over the next five years, reaching $10.5 trillion USD annually by 2025, highlighting the pressing need for robust IT solutions.

As it is rightly highlighted by Nahjee Maybin, CEO of Kenyatta Computer Services, “As cyber threats evolve, our resolve to stay protected must outpace them.” 

By recognizing these challenges, businesses are rapidly turning to explore the different types of managed services to optimize their IT infrastructure. Managed IT services not only mitigate these risks but also bring about significant cost savings, ensuring smooth day-to-day operations.

This leads us to the question: what exactly are the different types of managed IT services available, and how can they benefit your organization?

Need tailored IT consulting for your unique challenges?

Kenyatta Computer Services’s experts are here to guide and uplift your tech strategy.


7 Key Types of Managed IT Services

For businesses navigating the tech landscape, managed IT services offer clarity and support. These tailored solutions not only fortify operations but also drive growth and innovation. Explore the top seven services making the difference.


1. Cybersecurity Services

In an era where data breaches can spell doom for any organization, cybersecurity isn’t optional.

According to a report by the Ponemon Institute, enterprises experienced a 68% increase in endpoint attacks over the past five years. This underscores the importance of robust cybersecurity services within managed IT.

However, cybersecurity services go beyond conventional firewall installations. They encompass a wide range of security measures, including real-time monitoring, intrusion detection, and proactive threat hunting. Employing these services ensures your network security is fortified, protecting you from evolving threats and vulnerabilities.



2. IT Helpdesk

Picture this: an employee facing technical issues during odd hours with a looming deadline. With a 24/7/365 IT Helpdesk, they can receive technical support instantly. This service ensures that no matter when an issue arises, there’s always someone ready to assist in real-time.


3. Network Monitoring

This isn’t about merely checking if your servers are running. Network monitoring is a continuous surveillance system for your IT ecosystem.

It detects anomalies, performance drops, and potential threats. With managed networks, businesses can enjoy optimal performance, foresee potential issues, and fix them before they escalate.


4. IT Support

Every business, irrespective of its size, needs dedicated IT support. This includes management of mobile devices, desktops, apps, and more.

The goal is to ensure seamless day-to-day operations. IT Support Services, especially those offering a wide range of support services, are critical for a business to handle its multifaceted tech needs.

Types of IT Managed Services

Source: Grand View Research


5. IT Consulting

The tech world is ever-evolving. With IT consulting services, businesses can tap into expert insights to chart out their IT roadmap.

From evaluating current systems to suggesting improvements, IT consulting is all about ensuring businesses leverage technology to its fullest potential.


6. Cloud Services

Cloud computing is revolutionizing how businesses operate, offering flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency. In fact, 94% of businesses are already using cloud services.

Managed cloud services facilitate everything from infrastructure management to software as a service (SaaS). Whether you’re a small-sized business or a multinational corporation, leveraging cloud services can elevate your operational efficiency.


7. Backup & Disaster Recovery

Imagine losing critical business data! Backup and disaster recovery services ensure this never happens. From regular data backups to creating robust disaster recovery plans, these services safeguard businesses against unforeseen events like cyber-attacks or natural calamities.

Concerned about data loss and system downtimes?

Rely on KCS for unmatched backup and disaster recovery solutions.


Choosing The Right Types of IT Managed Services For Your Business

Selecting the most suitable types of IT managed services for your business is crucial. With a plethora of service offerings available, decision-making can be daunting. Here’s a guide to streamline your selection process:


Assess Your Business Needs

Start by understanding the day-to-day IT challenges your business faces. Does your company frequently encounter cybersecurity threats? Are there regular technical glitches that hinder operations? Recognizing these pain points will spotlight which services are essential.


Size Does Matter

A small-sized business may not need all the managed services at once, whereas larger corporations might benefit from a comprehensive package. Tailor your choices based on the size and scope of your business.


Types of Managed Services

Source: TechTarget 



Consider the future trajectory of your business. If expansion or diversification is on the horizon, you might want services like cloud computing to scale seamlessly. Investing in infrastructure management now might lead to easier transitions later.


Explore our range of IT services in Denver:

Prioritize Cybersecurity

With growing digital threats, no business can afford to skimp on cybersecurity. Whether you opt for managed security services or a holistic cybersecurity package, ensure protection is a priority.


Service Level Agreements (SLA):

Always review the SLA thoroughly. It should clearly detail the scope of services, response times, and remedies for any breaches in service.


Why Many Businesses Are Shifting Towards Managed Solutions

Managed IT services make tech easier and safer for businesses. Instead of dealing with complex IT tasks themselves, businesses can now rely on experts for better results and peace of mind. This switch brings convenience and benefits that managed IT services can provide over traditional IT setups.

Criteria Traditional IT Solutions Managed IT Services
Cost Efficiency Upfront investments in hardware & software Predictable monthly costs
Maintenance In-house team’s responsibility, often reactive Proactive maintenance by provider
Scalability Manual upgrades, potential downtime Easily scalable as per business needs
Expertise & Updates Dependent on in-house team’s skills & knowledge Access to specialized experts & latest tech
Response Time Varies, based on in-house team availability Typically guaranteed rapid response
Cybersecurity Often requires additional solutions Integrated, robust cybersecurity measures


Harness the Power of Managed IT With Kenyatta Computer Services

Types of IT Managed Services


Navigating through the different types of managed services can indeed feel overwhelming, especially when the IT landscape seems so vast and intricate.

But at its heart, the essence remains unchanged: it’s all about allowing businesses to shine in their area of expertise, free from the perennial shadows of technical hiccups.

From guaranteeing robust network security to offering real-time technical support, the goal is clear – make technology an ally, not an adversary. And this is where Kenyatta Computer Services steps in. Beyond the confines of data centers, we present a comprehensive suite of IT solutions tailored for holistic business infrastructure.

Spanning from intricate networking challenges to the nitty-gritty of hardware and applications, our certified maestros stand ready not just to monitor but adeptly manage and sustain your IT infrastructure.

With Kenyatta Computer Services by your side, technology becomes less of a puzzle and more of a powerful tool in your business arsenal.

Ready to transform your IT landscape? Get in touch with us today!