Managed Services Challenges & How You Can Avoid Them

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A significant number of businesses today are actively preferring the expertise of a Managed Services Provider (MSP) vs managing their IT in-house.

About 67% of companies outsource at least some part of their IT infrastructure to MSPs, highlighting the widespread adoption and trust in MSPs for IT management

This trend, turbocharged by the pandemic’s push towards remote working, has led to an explosion in the demand for MSPs. Suddenly, there’s an overwhelming number of providers with varying levels of quality.

In this crowded landscape, businesses must be discerning.

As Nahjee Maybin, CEO of Kenyatta Computer Services, says, “The choice of an MSP is not just a decision; it’s a strategic move that can propel a company to new heights or drag it down into operational inefficiencies.”

It’s important to remember that you’re looking for a partner to untangle IT complexities, not to weave a web of new challenges.

Not all MSPs are created equal, and making the right choice is more critical than ever. In this blog, we’ll go through the various IT managed services challenges and how you can avoid them.


What are Managed IT Services?

Managed IT Services involve delegating IT operations to a third-party provider, known as a Managed Services Provider (MSP). This approach not only enhances operational efficiency but also helps in reducing overhead costs associated with maintaining an in-house IT team.

The use of managed services can increase operational efficiency by 60%, showcasing the significant improvements businesses can achieve by partnering with MSPs​

These services typically include: 

  • Network monitoring and management
  • Cybersecurity services and solutions
  • Cloud services and management
  • Data backup and recovery
  • Help desk and technical support
  • IT consulting and strategy
  • Hardware installation and maintenance
  • Compliance and risk management
  • Mobile device management
  • Remote working solutions
  • Disaster recovery planning
  • Vendor management
  • IT infrastructure management

By outsourcing these tasks, companies can focus on their core business activities while ensuring their IT needs are met efficiently and effectively.

Stop Dealing with MSPs that Over Promise & Under Deliver

Experience reliable, results-driven IT services that meet your expectations each time.


10 Managed Services Challenges You Should Know About

The world of IT Managed Services is not without its challenges. Here are some of the key difficulties businesses and MSPs may encounter:


1. Keeping Up with Technological Advances

The IT landscape is constantly evolving. MSPs must stay up to date with the latest technological trends and security measures to provide high-quality services.


2. Security Concerns

With the increase in remote working, security issues have become more prominent. MSPs must implement robust security services and measures to protect their clients’ data.

Managed Services Challenges


3. Quality of Service Offerings

The influx of new MSPs in the market can vary in the quality of service offerings. Businesses must carefully evaluate potential MSPs to ensure they receive reliable and effective services.


4. Remote Monitoring and Management Challenges

Remote monitoring is crucial for MSPs, especially with the increase in work-from-home scenarios. However, this can be challenging for MSPs to manage effectively without the right tools and strategies.


5. Customization and Scalability

Every business has unique needs. MSPs must be able to provide customized solutions that can scale as the business grows.


6. Customer Support and Communication

Effective communication and robust customer support are essential. MSPs must ensure they have efficient systems in place to address client queries and issues promptly.


7. Managing Sales and Marketing Teams

MSPs need strong sales and marketing teams to attract and retain clients. However, balancing technical expertise with sales acumen can be challenging.


8. Meeting Mission-Critical Needs

Businesses often rely on MSPs for mission-critical operations. MSPs must ensure they can meet these needs consistently and effectively.


9. Cost Management

While MSPs can be cost-effective, managing and justifying costs to clients, especially for long-term contracts, can be challenging.


10. Compliance and Regulatory Challenges

MSPs must ensure they and their clients comply with relevant laws and regulations, which can vary widely depending on the industry and location.

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How Working with MSPs is Better Than Managing Your IT In-House

Challenge Aspect In-House IT Management Managed IT Services
Technical Expertise Limited to in-house team’s knowledge Access to a wide range of specialized skills
Cost Efficiency High overhead costs for staff and infrastructure Predictable monthly costs with scalable services
Security Management Relies on internal resources and skills Advanced and updated cybersecurity measures
24/7 Monitoring Often limited and resource-intensive Continuous monitoring and immediate response
Scalability Can be slow and costly Easily scalable to business needs
Compliance Requires dedicated resources to stay up-to-date MSPs often have expertise in regulatory compliance
Innovation and Updates May lag behind due to resource constraints Regular updates and access to the latest technologies
Disaster Recovery Depends on in-house capabilities Often includes robust disaster recovery plans
Vendor Relations Managed internally, can be complex MSPs can manage multiple vendor relationships
Customer Support May be limited or inconsistent Dedicated support, often with SLA guarantees


Avoid All IT Managed Services Challenges With Kenyatta Computer Services

Looking for a Managed Services Provider (MSP) that effortlessly navigates the complexities of IT managed services? Look no further than Kenyatta Computer Services!

With a stellar record spanning 33 years in the industry, our seasoned team brings over 100 years of combined experience to the table.

Trusted Managed IT Services Near You


At Kenyatta Computer Services, we specialize in managing a wide array of IT needs. From efficiently handling cloud-based services to ensuring robust network security, we are equipped to prevent disruptions and maintain smooth operations.

Ready to join the ranks of businesses thriving under the care of Kenyatta Computer Services? Reach out to us today and discover how our managed IT services can help your business.