Microsoft SharePoint Support and Services

Boost Collaboration and Efficiency with Kenyatta Computer Services’ Microsoft SharePoint Solutions!
Our Clients
Our Valued Clients
Maximize Productivity with Reliable SharePoint Support Services
Streamline Your SharePoint Environment for Seamless Collaboration and Efficiency

Why choose Kenyatta for Microsoft SharePoint services?

  • Optimize your SharePoint environment: Boost operational productivity
  • 24/7 monitoring and support: Uninterrupted access to services and data
  • Expert training: Get your team comfortable with SharePoint
  • Enhanced security: Deep user management and access control
  • Reduced recurring issues: No more downtime with Kenyatta
Request a Quote for our Microsoft SharePoint Services
Our Numbers
Unparalleled Service Excellence for Measurable Results
33+ Years
Catering to customers nationwide across the United States.
Clients Empowered by Our Managed IT Services
Outstanding Customer Satisfaction Ratings
Unleash SharePoint's Power with Our Managed Services


Unlock the Full Potential of SharePoint with our Streamlined Management Services.


Ensure Smooth SharePoint Operations with 24/7 Support, Minimizing Downtime and Maximizing Productivity.


Ensure Data Protection and Compliance in Your SharePoint Environment with Robust Services.


Boost Efficiency with Seamless Integration of SharePoint into Your Business Systems, Creating a Unified Work Environment.


Achieve a Seamless SharePoint Migration with Zero Data Loss, Ensuring Business Continuity Throughout the Process.

User Training & Adoption

Drive User Adoption and Collaboration with Effective SharePoint Training, Empowering Your Team for Success.


Accelerate SharePoint Implementation, Aligning with Your Business Goals for a Successful Platform Launch.


Maximize Results and Drive Business Growth with Expert SharePoint Consulting for Optimal Platform Utilization.


Maintain Optimal Performance with Timely SharePoint Upgrades, Accessing the Latest Features and Improvements.
Microsoft SharePoint Support and Services
Empower Collaboration with Kenyatta's Seamless SharePoint Services

Efficient collaboration and secure file sharing with clients are paramount at Kenyatta. We ensure SharePoint sites are up-to-date, streamline document storage, and create a modern user environment. Experience 360-degree SharePoint support, including design and branding, ongoing security assessments, information security monitoring, and access management with user permissions.

Expert Support for Maximizing Your SharePoint Services

Partner with Kenyatta for SharePoint services and gain a trusted ally committed to your success. Our experienced team ensures a seamless implementation of your services and provides ongoing support to address any questions or concerns. With our 24/7 availability, we are ready to assist with urgent inquiries regarding data security, integrations, or access even outside of traditional business hours. Don’t miss out on the advantages of streamlined collaboration and secure file sharing. Contact us today and unlock the full potential of SharePoint for your business.

Microsoft SharePoint Services
Microsoft SharePoint Support and Services
Unmatched Support for All SharePoint Versions

Trust Kenyatta to provide comprehensive support for your SharePoint environment, whether it’s SharePoint Online, privately hosted, or a legacy on-premise system. We are also equipped to handle IT systems that combine different SharePoint versions.

Our expert team excels at managing, monitoring, and migrating SharePoint environments. With our team’s numerous certifications, you can rely on us to deliver dependable support for your SharePoint needs.

Count on us for support across various versions, including Microsoft SharePoint Online and On-Prem, Microsoft SharePoint 2013, and Microsoft SharePoint 2010. We are well-versed in both classic and modern SharePoint support, ensuring a seamless experience for your organization.

Boost Productivity with Kenyatta's SharePoint Services

Navigating the complexities of SharePoint services is crucial in today’s digital landscape. A seamless transition into SharePoint’s integrated platform should be a non-negotiable for businesses, ensuring they avoid data loss, downtime, and slow user adoption.

Unlocking the full potential of SharePoint and aligning it with your strategic goals should take precedence. Expertly managing upgrades and maintaining compliance is not just an option, but a necessity.

To empower organizations, leveraging expert SharePoint consulting becomes essential. It optimizes platform usage, drives business growth, and enhances collaboration across all levels of your organization.

Microsoft SharePoint Services
Unlock the Untapped Potential of SharePoint for Your Business.
Revolutionize your Business with SharePoint – Unleash its Power Today!
FAQ About Our IT Company
What quality of support does Kenyatta Computer Services provide?

Experience top-notch support for Microsoft SharePoint Services with Kenyatta Computer Services. Our team takes pride in delivering exceptional assistance, ensuring a seamless and productive experience for our clients. We are committed to providing high-quality support, evident through our impressive first-call issue resolution rate. Count on us to be available round the clock, addressing any SharePoint-related concerns and providing timely assistance whenever you need it.

What can I expect to pay for Kenyatta Computer Services' SharePoint services?

At Kenyatta Computer Services, we understand that pricing is a crucial consideration for businesses seeking Microsoft SharePoint Services. While costs may vary based on specific requirements and customization, we are committed to offering competitive rates that provide excellent value for our clients. The cost of our services will depend on your unique SharePoint needs. To get a more accurate estimate, we invite you to book a consultation with us.

Why choose to work with Kenyatta Computer Services for SharePoint services?

Choose Kenyatta Computer Services for Microsoft SharePoint Services and experience the power of seamless usage. Partnering with an IT company simplifies deployment, offers customized features, robust security, proactive monitoring, SharePoint support, and expedited IT issue resolutions. With our extensive expertise in building and supporting SharePoint environments, you can trust us to deliver exceptional solutions that meet your unique business needs.

How can Kenyatta Computer Services' SharePoint managed services enhance your document management process?

Enhance your document management process with Kenyatta Computer Services' Microsoft SharePoint managed services. We create a structured, efficient, and user-friendly environment to optimize your document workflows. Our services enable easy access, secure storage, and seamless collaboration on documents. Leveraging SharePoint's advanced features, we can configure permissions, version control, and alerts to further streamline your document management process. Experience improved efficiency and productivity with our tailored SharePoint solutions.

Can Kenyatta Computer Services' SharePoint managed services assist in customizing your SharePoint site to better align with your business needs?

Kenyatta Computer Services' Microsoft SharePoint managed services excel in customizing the SharePoint site to perfectly align with your specific business needs. With a thorough assessment of your operations, we tailor the SharePoint platform to support your workflows, enhance team collaboration, and boost efficiency. Whether it involves developing custom web parts or creating user-friendly interfaces, our dedicated goal is to make SharePoint work seamlessly for your business, optimizing your digital productivity.