Government IT Services

Streamlined IT Solutions for Government Agencies Nationwide
Our Clients
Our Trusted Client Partnerships
Trusted Experts for Safe, Secure, Seamless Office IT
Say Goodbye to IT Issues, User Frustration, and Bloated Expenses

Why choose us for municipal government managed IT services?

  • See far fewer IT issues and improved productivity with our IT services geared towards municipal governments
  • Get any sudden IT issues solved fast with 24/7 support and the majority of calls answered by a live agent
  • Ensure your data is safe as a vault with a certified cybersecurity IT partner on your side
  • Enjoy consistent ROI on your service arrangement with guaranteed SLAs and performance metrics
  • Gain valuable IT strategies and custom roadmaps with a dedicated IT consultant at your beck and call
Request a Quote for our Government IT Services
Our Numbers
Trust a Proven Partner: Government IT Services
33+ Years
Providing services to clients nationwide in the United States.
Companies benefiting from our managed IT services
Exemplary customer satisfaction rating on average.
Complete IT Solutions for Government

Fully or Co-Managed IT Services

Experience IT without headaches. Let us manage your systems for improved performance within budget.

Comprehensive Cybersecurity

Protect your data with round-the-clock threat monitoring and remediation against ransomware, malware, and cyberattacks.

Network Administration

Ensure a reliable network with 24/7 management by certified technicians for uninterrupted connectivity and performance.

Remote Support

Resolve IT issues faster with 24/7 support. Experience professional and personalized assistance from our knowledgeable team.

On-Site Support

Quick on-site support from skilled local technicians. We assist with cabling, patching, and office moves promptly.

Cloud Services

Drive agility with our cloud services. Boost productivity and cut costs by leveraging our expertise in migrations, storage, and hosting.

IT Consulting

Align your tech with your mission. Get tailored consulting for actionable plans, strategies, insights, and long-term roadmaps.

Backup & Disaster Recovery

Stay operational with seamless backups and swift recovery. Our secure solutions ensure uninterrupted progress for your team.

Employee Security Training

Strengthen your defense with regular security training. Empower your team to effectively mitigate and minimize threats.
Government IT Services
Minimize IT Issues, Experience the Transformation

Imagine the potential of your agency dedicating more time to vital initiatives and crucial duties, ultimately enhancing public service and operational efficiency. Our distinctive service, built upon expertise and dedication, adopts a proactive approach to IT management.

At Kenyatta Computer Services, we don’t just react to IT issues, we actively prevent them from escalating, safeguarding your operations. Through regular monthly tech evaluations and a commitment to excellence, we actively monitor the health of your IT infrastructure.

This proactive approach enables us to detect irregularities early and prevent them from evolving into major crises, ensuring uninterrupted service to the citizens you serve.

Boost Productivity, Enhance Operational Efficiency

Transforming your government agency’s technological framework is not a wishful thinking but a tangible outcome we consistently deliver for our clients.

Through our comprehensive suite of IT solutions, we diligently clear hurdles and enhance the overall functionality of your agency.

The result? A significant boost in output and operational capacity, propelling your department to new heights of efficiency and citizen satisfaction. Our services make your office more agile, responsive, and prepared to tackle the evolving demands of public service.

Government IT Services
municipal government managed IT services
Always-On IT Support and Helpdesk

Imagine the peace of mind that government agencies experience knowing they have unwavering support during any IT emergency. Our helpdesk, staffed with dedicated professionals rather than detached bots, operates 24/7 to cater to the unique needs of public service.

What truly distinguishes us is our ability to address and resolve the majority of challenges on the very first call. This is not mere rhetoric; our consistent performance proves our commitment.

With our support, government entities can confidently rely on a vigilant and responsive team, ensuring their IT needs are promptly met at any given moment.

Trusted Managed Cybersecurity Solutions

Imagine having an unwavering fortress protecting your valuable data. As a leading IT partner and services provider, we bring you the assurance and peace of mind you deserve. Our commitment to data protection is not just a promise; it is a practice supported by industry-leading security measures.

Get ready for a security upgrade like no other, one that strengthens the protection of your data while preserving its integrity.

Government IT Services
Secure Your High-Stakes Data with Trusted Experts
Supercharge Your IT: Eliminate Issues and Reduce Costs
FAQs About our Municipal Government Managed IT Services
What are the benefits of managing IT services for government offices?

Government IT Services or municipal government managed IT services offer numerous benefits. These services streamline operations and noticeably reduce IT issues within government organizations. With a proactive approach to IT management, productivity and efficiency are enhanced. Additionally, having 24/7 access to expert helpdesk support ensures prompt resolution of urgent issues without delay.

Why should I choose Kenyatta Computer Services for my IT needs?

Kenyatta Computer Services is a leading provider of Government IT Services and cybersecurity solutions. We prioritize the highest standards of data security, specifically tailored for government operations. Our service offerings are customized to meet the specialized requirements of government departments and municipal entities. With flexible contract durations and a focus on adaptability, Kenyatta Computer Services emphasizes trustworthiness and ensures seamless IT support for your specific needs.

How responsive is Kenyatta Computer Services' helpdesk support?

Kenyatta Computer Services' helpdesk support for Government IT Services is highly responsive. We take pride in our always-available, human-operated helpdesk specifically designed for government agencies. Our team is available 24/7 and promptly addresses most concerns on the initial call. When you reach out, you'll directly engage with experienced IT experts who are well-equipped to provide solutions, ensuring minimal downtime and swift resumption of operations for your department.

Does Kenyatta Computer Services help improve productivity?

Kenyatta Computer Services specializes in Government IT Services and helps government agencies, regardless of their size, enhance productivity and better serve their constituents. Our expertise allows us to address ongoing IT challenges and eliminate technical inefficiencies. With our tailored IT systems, we ensure a seamless alignment with your department's objectives and specific demands, enabling you to operate at maximum efficiency.

What security measures does Kenyatta Computer Services provide?

As a leading provider of Government IT Services, Kenyatta Computer Services prioritizes cybersecurity. We implement top-of-the-line security systems and procedures to protect your valuable data. Our comprehensive disaster recovery and continuity solutions provide peace of mind, ensuring that you won't be held ransom by cybercriminals. With Kenyatta Computer Services, you can trust that your operations will remain secure and compliant.